About This Game Be a friendly ghost - Haunt a house full of girls while you solve puzzles, play tricks and cause trouble! Level-up your powers! – Learn to master your poltergeist abilities from moving objects to full-body possession! Be a trickster – Play elaborate pranks on your housemates but don't get too excited if you see their panties! Beware your weakness – See too many panties and humanity will be destroyed! Put on your detective hat – Perform investigations reclaim your body with the help of a perverted ghost-cat! Save the planet – Use time travel to go back and prevent the earth from exploding, defeating terrorists at the same time! Live the anime – Based on the critically-acclaimed anime but with a completely different ending! 7aa9394dea Title: Punch LineGenre: Adventure, RPGDeveloper:MAGES. Inc.Publisher:PQube LimitedRelease Date: 23 May, 2019 Punch Line Download 1gb Short version: So, the good part is -- they have a skip dialog button.Long version: I don't really like visual novels, however I stick to reading if there are a good written plot and texts not boring and repetitive. It's not about this game, so after an hour of reading repetitive and boring dialog texts I was tired because there were no gameplay yet and started skipping. The bit of gameplay I was able to get, after 1.5 hours of "playing" it, shows potential and overall game is well executed and not cheaply made as tons of others on Steam, It's more of interactive anime(it has actual anime pieces put into game) where everyone play stupid and ask thrice, but when you actually get to the gameplay and you are actually into anime person, you may find it fun. If you want to give it a try, go and skip texts as much as possible to get into gameplay and have less than 2 hours to be able to ask for refund(then, if you like it, just start from beginning).. Really bad port, no achievement support, no cloud saves, locked to 1080p in fullscreen, window mode is depending on your own resolution, locked to 30fps. PQube showing once again that they couldn't give a single\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665about PC.. Going to preface this by saying that i played the PS4 version of this game and this review is copy-pasted from my thoughts after I finished that but my opinion remains pretty much unchanged. This version may have fixed small issues with the translation or UI since this is being released almost a year later and i haven't checked but that does not change this VN's problems as a lot of them would be prevalent in any version. Anyway my review:A lot of the game is cutscenes ripped straight from the anime which are unpausable and unskippable, this includes the OP and ED which play at the beginning and end of each chapter, of which there are 21, and they are unskippable. The translation obviously has its flaws (see: "directer" in the op) which are honestly shocking that it made it into something official like this. The visuals are quite bad and the textbox and menus look absolutely horrible. The gameplay sections are completely predictable and involve literally repeating the exact same thing 12 times until you don't have to anymore, and the content of that is... punchline. Panties and\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665People would say that the second half (last 10 chapters) is much better than the first and I feel that would be a valid judgement, if not for the fact that each chapter of the last half is so short, lasting around 15-20 minutes, the 'last half' may be its saving factor if not for the fact that it's more like 5 hours when you have to put up with way more of just bad panty minigame before you get to it.furthermore, i feel almost as though i have been scammed in buying this and even using my time on it as i was under the impression there would be content that was original to the VN, this was not exactly false but i can only think of 2 scenes that are actually new. One of which is controversial (i've seen people talk about it) and the other is literally 3 minutes added onto the epilogue. To be honest this added content was quite nice and answered a couple of questions i had at the end of the anime, though at the same time, it's literally 3 minutes... Besides this, there is no new content.To emphasise this, the last chapter, chapter 21, is literally just episode 12 of the anime. And i don't mean that it's that presented in vn form, I mean it is literally that episode of the anime playing. Ripped straight from the anime. Just 15 minutes of straight anime, unchanged, and unpausable\/unskippable.And as for the actual content, I liked a couple of characters, hated particular others, but other than that it's standard Uchikoshi. If you've played other VNs from these creators such as the infinity or zero escape series, you won't get much from PunchlineConsidering the anime is the exact same content, presented in a quicker way, and gets to the point much faster (and actually has a much higher ratio of the good half to bad half) I seriously cannot reccomend the vn when the anime exists. The anime is actually very decent, it's well animated and has good pacing and hey with only 12 episodes it's not much of an investment, it can be worth watchingIn conclusion, the fact that they have, and continue to charge $50 for this is a joke and is seriously taking the\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 If I could ever get back the money I spent on this I would do it in a heartbeat. To anybody reading this is my best warning: Watch the anime instead. If you have already bought it try your best to refund it. I would only reccomend if you are a die-hard fan of punchline the anime series and even then i would implore you to reconsider. with this in mind, the punchline anime is around a 6\/10. The vn (this version) is a 3\/10What a sad waste of time.... Bad port. Only available in fullscreen or windowed with no options to tune the graphics settings. In fullscreen it seems to be locked to 60fps. Now that would be a good thing if it didn't seem like the animations are tied to frame rate making everything look like it's playing in fast-forward. Couple of other bugs I encountered in my short time with the game. Not worth $50, just go watch the anime and save your money.. It really just wasn't worth the wait for me. The puzzles offered only a couple minor challenges requiring serious effort or forethought and were only really a present for the first half of the game. After that it became a very binary visual novel experience with either 'the right answer' or 'the wrong answer that leads to a bad end'. The final chapter of the game is basically just literally ripped from the anime.At 50 bucks it most definitely just was not worth it as a video game in my eyes. Save yourself the money AND the trouble and just buy the anime and watch that instead. I generally hate writing reviews but this game was such a disappointment I had to say something. With a story mode that I felt like I was slogging through, puzzles that were at best mediocre, and the fact that these puzzles stop half-way through the game, this game is the first I HONESTLY wish I could get my money back instead of accepting that I simply bought a bad game.. \u5e7d\u970a \u306a\u3093\u3066 \u6016\u304f\u306a\u3044, \u7e1e\u30d1\u30f3\u306f\u6700\u9ad8
Punch Line Download 1gb
Updated: Mar 27, 2020